Thursday 16 March 2023

O to Visit Lyme!

O to visit Lyme! I'm told I've been there on one of the two occasions we holidayed in Bridport, but don't remember it. I remember nothing of it, that seaside resort, not walking along the Cobb, not shell and fossil hunting, not visiting the museum, not any of the things I'm told in a family group we did. My memory retains other snapshots, some of which exist as photographic evidence: a wooden dining table in a country-style kitchen and Nan Miriam unwrapping, then christening, her birthday present (a teapot); an indoor swimming pool, a Minnie Mouse costume and a giant inflatable whale, though I would probably not have placed them in Dorset; I wouldn't have been able to place them, physically, geographically, anywhere.
Lyme, at maybe 7 or 8 years, did not call as it later did, and still, every now and again, does. The Lyme Regis of Jane Austen, John Fowles, and even Beatrix Potter, another keen fossil hunter. O to visit Lyme again! 

Picture credit: From the Old Walls, Lyme Regis, 1932, Richard Eurich (source: WikiArt).

From journal, December 2021.