Thursday 14 March 2024

Anguished Youth

In my head I have led many different lives and had many romantic adventures, just as marvellous or as incredible as those in books or on the big screen. I have brooded often upon these dreams and let a strange unrest creep into my soul. I have yearned to meet these images in some way in the real world – but how to seek them? Or have them seek (and find) me? I have each time come to believe that without any act of my own they would encounter me: we would meet as if meant to be, and any doubts I might have held would in that moment fall away. Day after day, silent, watchful … until the madness passes and the heart calms.
I have mirrored, I am still mirroring (at forty-one!) Stephen Dedalus' anguished youth.

Picture credit: James Joyce in 1915  by Alex Ehrenzweig (source: Wikipedia).

See A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce. 

From journal and a larger body of thought on Stephen Dedalus, September 2022.