unruly world controlled through the presence of spirits (fairies,
ghosts, Weird Sisters) and the power of magic. He/she who has the
knowledge, like Dr John Dee, confers authority, can influence
world governed by suspicion to the point of paranoia (plots to
murder). A world turned – should these double agents succeed –
upside down. Cities of dreams, places of nightmares.
expanding unsettling Elizabethan world (a global system) replete with
exotic riches: sugar, fine horses, and gold, peddled perhaps by
travelling legs following a mental map … Unless the salesman be
disguised, a Catholic priest on the run, so a room – in secret –
could become a church.
Picture credit: Orbis Terrarum, 1590, Petrus Plancius (source: Wikipedia).
See Shakespeare's
Restless World by Neil
From journal, February 2023.