Thursday 18 May 2023

Melancholy: A Definition

The lot of the artist, the fate of the gifted. A great mind crippled by doubts... by guilt... by failed attempts... by too much success... by earthbound thoughts... which prevent a reaching upwards. The stars seem too far, the moon too foreboding.
The melancholiac's world is made up of different shades of melancholy. Black, naturally, but also for some sunny yellow. The bright, the dark, the pastel; all can seem to torment the melancholic mind, and with them bring terrors and demons.
Melancholy: a condition typical of artists expressed in depressing realism, nothing softened; all hard words or hard lines, speaking on or depicting the futility of humankind.

Picture credit: Melancholia, 1519, Albrecht Durer (source: WikiArt).

Written January 2022.