Thursday 18 January 2024

Master / Slave

Master. Slave. Is it harder to live life as a free man, a free woman than as a slave? An ancient idea, but is there still some kernel of truth in it? Truth perhaps that we daren't voice, daren't consider? We are “free and equal by law.” Are we? And even if we are or feel we are lawfully as compared, say, to slavery times or more snobbish eras, is being free – and knowing ourselves to be free and at liberty – not just a feeling, one which can be suppressed or explored as the mood takes or as our own circumstances change or demand? Does being a free man or woman, in the modern age, mean having the ability to impose – to impress upon ourselves – the conditions of our own freedom?
I am, in effect, Freedom's master and as its master I can usher in as well as abandon old laws. Freedom chained; Freedom controlled.

A thought which occurred when reading Deceit, Desire & the Novel by René Girard, written July 2022.

Picture credit: Chained Prisoner, 1806-1812, Francisco Goya, (source: WikiArt).