Thursday 25 April 2024

A Jam Session

HORKHEIMER: The regression of mankind is always a possibility.
ARDORNO: Barbarism always an option.
ME: Especially after a revolution.
NIETZSCHE: One herd. Everyone wants the same thing.
ME (interrupting): And things.
NIETZSCHE (continuing): Whoever thinks otherwise is ostracised.
ADORNO: State or government control grows in tandem with a growth in irrationality.
HORKHEIMER: The world is mad and will remain so. It is no longer possible to distinguish between good and bad.
HORKHEIMER: All hope lies in thought.
ADORNO: True thought is thought that does not insist on being right.
HORKHEIMER: But theory is theory; often bad theory, when what the world needs is fundamental change in both thought and action.
ADORNO: A happiness brought about by practice.
HORKHEIMER: Like eating roast goose. To not just think but to do. All our thoughts and actions must fit together.
ADORNO: The ideal, the next step, but not grasped directly, only indirectly.
HORKHEIMER: What is Marx's view?
MARX: The time is ripe for it.
HORKHEIMER: Or we take the fatalistic view and declare we cannot bring about change.
ADORNO: A message in a bottle, expressed as bluntly as possible, to change consciousness.

Picture credit: The Marx Lounge, Alfredo Jaar (source: WikiArt).

See Towards a New Manifesto by Theodor Adorno & Max Horkheimer (A Verso publication, translated by Rodney Livingstone). 

This twisted version written October 2022.